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Secrets of Great British Castles

Serie - GB 2016 - 45

Secrets of Great British Castles
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
Dan Jones (Himself - Presenter), Christophe Lombardi (Reconstruction Cast - Edward I), Jay Dee (Reconstruction Cast - William the Conqueror), Ronald Hutton (Himself - Bristol University), Marc Morris (Himself - Author; 'The Norman Conquest'), Stuart Prior (Himself - Archaeologist), Kenneth Cusack (Reconstruction Cast - Edward II), Ciaron Davies (Reconstruction Cast - Hugh Despenser), Tobias Capwell (Himself - Curator of Arms and Armour; The Wallace Collection), Dominic Selwood (Himself - Historian and Barrister), Colin Tregorran-Herriett (Himself - Armourer & Firearms Specialist), Jessie Childs (Herself - Author; 'God's Traitors'), Boyd Rankin (Reconstruction Cast - Astrologer), Karen Dempsey (Reconstruction Cast - Mary Queen of Scots), Tóla Collier (Reconstruction Cast - Priest), Spike Davis (Reconstruction Cast - David Douglas), Sabina Bonnici (Reconstruction Cast - Eleanor of Castille), Mark Davis (Reconstruction Cast - Lord Darnley), Edward McDonagh (Reconstruction Cast - Edmund Arrowsmith), Andrew McCormick (Reconstruction Cast - Matilda's Servant), Kathy Batts (Reconstruction Cast - Channel Swimmer), Madeleine McAllister (Herself - Down County Museum), David Caldwell (Himself - Historian), Elizabeth Norton (Herself - Historian and Author; 'England's Queens: The Biography'), Edward Boreham (Reconstruction Cast - Thomas Becket), Nathalie Clément (Reconstruction Cast - Margaret Roper), Jack Greene (Reconstruction Cast - John Damian), Gillian Kenny (Herself - Historian), Peter McCoy (Reconstruction Cast - Piers Gaveston), Jeremy Ashbee (Himself - English Heritage), Mary Lewis (Herself - Bioarchaeologist; University of Reading), Colin Penny (Himself - Museum Manager; Lancaster Castle), Gareth Gladman (Reconstruction Cast - Henry II), Peter Kelly (Reconstruction Cast - Master James of St George), Conor Marren (Reconstruction Cast - John de Courcy), Marc Meltonville (Himself - Food Historian; Historic Royal Palaces), George Bracebridge (Reconstruction Cast - Richard Neville), Paul Pattison (Himself - Historian)
Gerry Hoban, Maurice Sweeney, Sarah Share
Dan Jones

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