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Cowspiracy - Das Geheimnis der Nachhaltigkeit

Film - USA 2014 - 90

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Deutsch, Englisch
Kip Anderson, Lisa Agabian (Herself - Sea Shepherd Conservation Society), Manucher Alemi (Himself - CA Dept. Water Resources; Chief; Water Use and Efficiency Branch), Lindsey Allen (Herself - Rainforest Action Network; Executive Director), Kip Andersen (Himself - Film Co-Director), Will Anderson (Himself - Greenpeace Alaska Founder; Former Board of Directors Greenpeace USA), Marji Beach (Herself - Animal Place; Education Director), Marcus Benedetti (Himself - Clover-Stornetta Dairy; President), Shane Bernardo (Himself - Earthworks Urban Farm; Outreach Coordinator), Michael Besancon (Himself - Former Whole Foods Market Executive), Deniz Bolbol (Herself - American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign), Ethan Brown (Himself - Beyond Meat; Plant-Based Meat), Heather Cooley (Herself - Pacific Institute; Water Program Co-Director), Al Gore (Himself - Former U.S. Vice President / Climate Change Activist), Kamyar Guivetchi (Himself - CA Dept. Water Resources; Statewide Integrated Water Management), Bruce Hamilton (Himself - Sierra Club; Deputy Executive Director), Susan Hartland (Herself - Sea Shepherd Conservation Society), Wenonah Hauter (Herself - Food & Water Watch; Executive Director), John Jeavons (Himself - Biointensive Farming Innovator; Author; 'How To Grow More Vegetables), Michael Klaper (Himself - Physician; True North Health Center), Greg Litus (Himself - Veganic Farmer), Howard Lyman (Himself - Former Cattle Rancher), Demosthenes Maratos (Himself - The Sustainability Institute; at Molloy College), Doniga Markegard (Herself - Markegard Family Grass-Fed; Co-Owner), Erik Markegard (Himself - Markegard Family Grass-Fed; Co-Owner), Lea Markegard (Herself - Daughter), Emily Meredith (Herself - Animal Agriculture Alliance; Pro-Livestock Lobby Group), Jah Muhammad (Himself - Urban Gardener), Chad Nelsen (Himself - Surfrider Foundation; Environmental Director), Ann Notthoff (Herself - Natural Resources Defense Council; California Advocacy Director), Bill Phillips (Himself - Backyard Farmer), Dorothy Stang (Herself)
Kip Anderson, Keegan Kuhn, Kip Andersen
Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn
Keegan Kuhn